Membership is not exclusive and members of CCRU may be members of other residents’ associations. CCRU also occasionally acts as an informal umbrella group supporting other groups.
Members believe that New Zealand coastal residents shall not be disadvantaged and should be able to enjoy their coastal lifestyle with the same level of support from regulatory bodies that stakeholders in other suburbs receive. CCRU supports the rights of coastal residents and communities. It works to bring about engaged consensus and consultation between all regulatory bodies, stakeholders and coastal communities on decisions that directly affect coastal residents.
CCRU helps its communities primarily by engaging its own community networks and will support legal remedies as appropriate.
The purposes of the Society* are to:
Preserve and promote the rights and interests of Christchurch's coastal residents.
Promote an adaptive approach to climate change hazards and work with Council to implement this.
Promote and facilitate community engagement.
Make representations to Councils concerning the coastline, including advocating for the rights and interests of coastal communities.
Undertake scientific, engineering, legal and other research relating to the coastline and provisions to govern activities along or near the coastline.
Make representations, gather evidence and make submissions and appeals concerning any consultative or statutory document, including any Regional/District Plan or draft or proposed Regional /District Plan.
To subscribe to or become a member of or co-operate with any other society, body or person, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are similar to or likely to advance all or any of the objects of the Society.
Do anything necessary or helpful to the above purposes.
*Christchurch Coastal Residents United Incorporated