Chapter 9 and 5 – SES and Coastal submission dates
UPDATED NOV 29 - see highlighted changed dates below
Here is a useful and handy list of the relevant dates for Chapter 9 and 5 – SES and Coastal submission dates.
I have listed them in chronological order so they are easier to follow. I was having trouble getting them all straight myself as they are listed in topic form rather than chronological in the report.
You will still need to refer to the pre-hearing reports for the exact details and direction applicable for each date.
Hope you find this helpful- feel free to share it around.
Please refer to the pre-hearing report for exact direction from the independent hearing panel.
Dates of interest
29 October 2015 Pre Hearing Meeting to amend the statement of issues
4 November The Council is to provide a redlined version of the proposal showing accepted changes by the 4th of November
5th November 2015 RSVP for Expert conferencing 5pm
9, 10 and 16 or 17 November 2015 Timetable for expert conferencing to commence at 10 a.m.
18, 19 and 24 November 2015 Facilitated mediation, to take place
2 December 2015 The Christchurch City Council is to file its primary evidence by 5 p.m.
10 December 2015 Submitter evidence is to be filed by 5 p.m.
18 December 2015 The Christchurch City Council (and any submitter rebutting relevant submitter evidence) is to file its rebuttal evidence by 5 p.m.
12 January 2016 All applications for leave to cross-examine a witness are to be made in writing by 12pm
18 January continuing on 19-22 January Hearing commences -10 a.m. 18 January continuing on 19-22 January (pm only on 21 January) and 2 and 3 February 2016 (with reserve days available on 4 and 5 February 2016) and 2 and 3 February 2016
Dates of interest
4 November 2015 The Christchurch City Council (Council) is to file an updated issues statement 5 pm
1 December 2015 Council is to provide a redlined version of the proposal showing accepted changes by 24 November 2015.
3 and 4 December 2015 Expert conferencing to commence at 10am
14 and 15 December 2015 Facilitated mediation, to take place
21 January 2016 The Christchurch City Council is to file its primary evidence by 5 p.m.
2 February 2016 Submitter evidence is to be filed by 5 p.m.
11 February 2016 Filing of rebuttal evidence by 5 p.m.
15 February 2016 Leave to cross-examine a witness writing by 12pm
24-26 February 2016 (3 days) The hearing for the Natural Hazards proposal will commence at 10 am.