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Climate change responses- who decides and how should it be funded? CCRU submits to the NZ Productivi

"Productivity Growth for Maximum Wellbeing"

CCRU were alerted to the NZ Productivity Commission who are compiling a paper on local Govt funding and finance.

While this is an 86-page final draft from the productivity commission and covers a vast range of questions regarding future financing for local authorities, CCRU were primarily concerned with question 8 below. CCRU felt it was important to make a submission to give a community perspective and be part of the continuing conversation.

Q8 How are local authorities factoring in response and adaptation to climate change and other natural hazards (such as earthquakes) to their infrastructure and financial strategies? What are the cost and funding implications of these requirements?

Minister for Climate Change, James Shaw, made comments in this article and said the issue of the impacts of climate change on communities, including the question of how the responsibility for costs of adapting should be shared, was included in a recent Cabinet paper, due to be made public soon.

And a final report from the Productivity Commission on Local Government Funding and Financing, including the question of funding climate change and other hazards was expected to deliver its final report to the Government at the end of November.

“Shaw said work would get underway this year on New Zealand's first national climate change risk assessment and "we are acutely aware that better efforts to work with communities and councils to understand the impacts of climate change have been needed, which is why we intend to get work underway this year to establish a national climate change risk assessment system that will gather better understandings of the challenges facing New Zealand communities".

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