The Christchurch draft Annual plan 2017/18 has been released and is now in its feedback phase.
This is your chance to tell Christchurch city council what you think about their proposals.
From a Coastal Community perspective CCRU have a number of concerns.
The 2017/18 draft plan has virtually no spending in the Coastal East except the pier and South Brighton jetty which are both earthquake insurance related repairs. This is unacceptable.
The community is looking forward to working with DCL and Regenerate on the repair and reinstatement of the eastern estuary edge. This is urgently needed to keep over 500 houses and our adjoining coastal communities safe and healthy. We are concerned that the CCC is not showing any support for this reinstatement in their flood planning.
The following statement is included in the submission form
New Brighton Hot Salt-Water Pools
Do you agree or disagree with Council’s proposal to provide a further $11.2 million for the wider development of the Hot Salt-Water Pools project, to help ensure the project links with the wider regeneration of New Brighton
CCRU questions why only one city project has been isolated for city wide feedback. This has the appearance of area discrimination and we are concerned no other city project has been singled out for this scrutiny. We are unsure what the purpose of the statement is and what submitters are agreeing to or disagreeing to in response to the question.
CCRU are in the process of getting this statement clarified and will post when we have a clear idea of its meaning and intent.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Make Your Voice Count!
Make a submission
Fill out a submission form both as an individual and as a community group. Make a comment in the comments section. Tick that you wish to speak at the hearing.
Click this link to make a submission.
Submissions are open from the 20th March - 28th April 2017
Attend a meeting
Click on this link to see when public meeting are in your area. Meetings start 27 March 2017
View the Draft Annual Plan
Click on this link to view the CCC page where you can download the consultation document and Draft Annual Plan (and by chapters).
Let your community board representatives know your views so they can best advocate for you.
Email your local city Councillors to get more information and let them know your views.